BSWA-Samyutta Nikaya Suttas

Recordings of Sutta Expositions from Connected Discourses of Tipitaka the Pali Canon. Among the four large Nikāyas belonging to the Pali Canon, the Saṃyutta Nikāya  serves as the repository for the many shorter suttas of the Buddha where he discloses  his radical insights into the nature of reality and his unique path to spiritual  emancipation. This collection, it seems, was directed mainly at those disciples who  were capable of grasping the deepest dimensions of wisdom and of clarifying them  for others, and also provided guidance to meditators intent on consummating their  efforts with the direct realization of the ultimate truth.  Here in this audio archive we have included the expositions of some of the suttasa of the Connected discourses by the Venerable teachers of the Bodhiyana Monastery in Perth Western Australia.