Paritta Pali Chanting by Sayadaw U Silananda
Tathagata Meditation Center
INTRODUCTION “Monks, learn the Āṭānāṭiya protection, study the Āṭānāṭiya protection, hold in your hearts the Āṭānāṭiya protection. Monks, beneficial is the Āṭānāṭiya protection for security, protection, freedom from harm and living in ease for monks, nuns (bhikkhunis) and male and female lay followers.” With these words the Buddha exhorted His monks to learn the Āṭānāṭiya protection for their protection and thus began the tradition of chanting the Sutta (discourses) for protection and good results. The Sutta chanted for protection, etc., is also known as Paritta which means “the Sutta that protects those who chant and who listen to it against dangers, calamities, etc., from all around.” Through the ages other Suttas were added to the list of 'Suttas for chanting.' Thus we find in Milindapañha and the Commentaries by the Venerable Buddhaghosa the following nine Suttas mentioned as Parittas: Ratana Sutta, Metta Sutta, Khandha Sutta, Mora Sutta, Dhajagga Sutta, Āṭānāṭiya Sutta, Arigulimala Sutta, Bojjhaṅga Sutta and Isigili Sutta. The collection presented here includes the first eight Suttas and in addition, Marigala Sutta, Vaṭṭa Sutta and Pubbaṇa Sutta, thus comprising altogether eleven Suttas, with further addition of introductory verses at the beginning of each Sutta. These are the eleven Suttas chanted everyday in every monastery and nunnery and in some houses of lay people in all Theravada Buddhist countries. This collection is known in Myanmar as ' The Great Paritta', not because the Suttas in this collection are long ones, but probably because they have great power, if chanted and listened to in a correct way, could ward off dangers and bring in results. A pdf copy of this chanting is available from
Atanatiya Sutta | 16:57 |
Angulimala Sutta | 2:12 |
Bojjhanga Sutta | 6:06 |
Pubbanha Sutta | 12:42 |
Introduction to Paritta Chanting | 3:33 |
Paritta Pali | 7:29 |
Mangala Sutta | 9:28 |
Ratana Sutta | 19:31 |
Metta Sutta | 7:27 |
Khandha Sutta | 5:04 |
Mora Sutta | 5:17 |
Vatta Sutta | 3:46 |
Dhajagga Sutta | 17:40 |