Poems of American Patriotism

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

This book is a collection of patriotic poems by many authors. - Summary by Hannah Shaver (4 hr 3 min)


Boston by Ralph Waldo Emerson 4:48 Read by FletchersIceIsland
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 6:03 Read by FletchersIceIsland
The Battle of Lexington by Sidney Lanier 3:00 Read by FletchersIceIsland
Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson 1:16 Read by FletchersIceIsland
Ticonderoga by V. B. Wilson 2:47 Read by FletchersIceIsland
Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle as She Saw It from the Belfry by Oliv… 10:14 Read by FletchersIceIsland
Warren's Address by John Pierpoint 1:11 Read by FletchersIceIsland
The Old Continentals by Guy Humphrey McMaster 2:57 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Nathan Hale by Francis Miles Finch 2:54 Read by ShrimpPhish
The Little Black-Eyed Rebel by Will Carleton 3:22 Read by ShrimpPhish
Molly Maguire at Monmouth by William Collins 4:11 Read by Laurel Brushett
Song of Marion's Men by William Cullen Bryant 3:53 Read by Alan Mapstone
To the memory of the Americans who fell at Eutaw by Philip Freneau 2:02 Read by AlexaTindallVA
George Washington by James Russell Lowell 2:03 Read by Larry Wilson
Perry's Victory on Lake Erie by James Gates Percival 4:27 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key 2:58 Read by Larry Wilson
The Battle of New Orleans by Thomas Dunn English 7:35 Read by AlexaTindallVA
The American Flag by Joseph Rodman Drake 2:57 Read by Inkell
Old Ironsides by Oliver Wendell Holmes 2:09 Read by Alan Mapstone
Monterey by Charles Fenno Hoffman 1:41 Read by AlexaTindallVA
The Bivouac of the Dead by Theodore O'Hara 4:07 Read by AlexaTindallVA
How Old Brown took Harper's Ferry by Edmund Clarence Stedman 10:37 Read by Hardoff
Apocalypse by Richard Realf 3:03 Read by B. Talbot
The Picket Guard by Ethel Lynn Beers 2:45 Read by George Banfield
The Washers of the Shroud by James Russell Lowell 8:20 Read by Owlivia
Battle-Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe 2:00 Read by Larry Wilson
At Port Royal, by John Greenleaf Whittier 4:37 Read by Zhongdonian
Ready by Phoebe Gary 1:45 Read by David Lawrence
"How are you, Sanitary?" by Bret Harte 2:30 Read by David Lawrence
Song of the Soldiers, by Charles G. Halpine 1:18 Read by Inkell
Jonathan to John, by James Russell Lowell 5:32 Read by Zhongdonian
The Cumberland by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 3:34 Read by Alan Mapstone
Kearny at Seven Pines by Edmund Clarence Stedman 2:51 Read by Julie Anne Thompson
Dirge for a Soldier by George H. Boker 2:28 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Barbara Frietchie by John Greenleaf Whittier 3:32 Read by Julie Anne Thompson
Fredericksburg by Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1:25 Read by B. Talbot
Music in Camp by John R. Thompson 4:25 Read by B. Talbot
Keenan's Charge by George Parsons Lathrop 3:11 Read by Zhongdonian
The Black Regiment by George H. Boker 2:55 Read by Inkell
John Burns of Gettysburg by Bret Harte 4:53 Read by Chris Pyle
Twilight on Sumter by Richard Henry Stoddard 1:41 Read by Inkell
The Bay-Fight by Henry Howard Brownell 16:00 Read by Inkell
Sheridan's Ride by Thomas Buchanan Read 5:27 Read by Alan Mapstone
Craven by Henry Newbolt 3:48 Read by Alan Mapstone
Sherman's March to the Sea by Samuel H. M. Byers 3:43 Read by Alan Mapstone
O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman 2:20 Read by Larry Wilson
Abraham Lincoln by James Russell Lowell 3:35 Read by Larry Wilson
The Blue and the Gray by Francis Miles Finch 2:29 Read by Inkell
At the Farragut Statue by Robert Bridges 1:16 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Grant by H. C. Bunner 3:34 Read by Paula Messina
The Burial of Sherman by Richard Watson Gilder 2:10 Read by Paula Messina
The men behind the guns by John Jerome Rooney 2:16 Read by Inkell
The regular army man by Joseph C. Lincoln 2:11 Read by Zhongdonian
When the Great Gray Ships come in by Guy Wetmore Carryl 2:46 Read by Dirk Victor
Ad Finem Fideles by Guy Wetmore Carryl 3:02 Read by Larry Wilson
Grover Cleveland by Joel Benton 1:38 Read by Julie Anne Thompson
A Toast to our Native Land by Robert Bridges 1:13 Read by Inkell
Fifty Years by James Weldon Johnson 4:23 Read by Larry Wilson
The American Volunteers by Marie Van Vorst 1:32 Read by Stacey Malcolm
I have a Rendezvous with Death by Alan Seeger 1:37 Read by Inkell
The Choice by Rudyard Kipling 1:43 Read by Inkell
Annapolis by Waldron Kinsolving Post 2:43 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Yanks by James W. Foley 3:30 Read by Alan Mapstone
Any woman to a soldier by Grace Ellery Channing 1:43 Read by Arah Craig
To peace, with victory by Corinne Roosevelt Robinson 2:45 Read by Larry Wilson
You and you by Edith Wharton 6:24 Read by Gretchen LaBuhn
With the tide by Edith Wharton 4:16 Read by Owlivia
America's welcome home by Henry van Dyke 2:27 Read by Larry Wilson
The Unknown Soldier by Angela Morgan 2:35 Read by Stacey Malcolm