(5 stars; 1 reviews)

Chicago private eye, VI Warshawski, is not happy to be asked for help by her Aunt Rosa who hates her - and the feeling's mutual... Sara Paretsky's thriller stars Kathleen Turner as VI Warshawski. Roger Ferrant ...... Martin Shaw Gabriella ...... Avril Clark Albert ...... William Hootkins Rosa ...... Eileen Way Father Carroll ...... Don Fellows Father Pelly ...... Colin Stinton Father Jablonski ...... Peter Penry-Jones Sara Paretsky created one of the most popular female sleuths in modern crime fiction. Her heroine, VI Warshawski, is a strong female character in a male-dominated world. VI is comfortable packing heat and trailing nasty suspects but she never loses touch with her basic femininity. Paretsky says of her Warshawski: "I was troubled by the way women were portrayed in (detective fiction) they always seemed either evil or powerless. I thought it was time for a tough, smart, likeable female private investigator". Kathleen Turner also starred in the same role in the 1991 film 'VI Warshawski'. Dramatised by Michelene Wandor. Director: Janet Whitaker

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


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