OTRR Father Knows Best Singles

(5 stars; 1 reviews)

Episodes from the OTRR Maintained set of Father Knows Best: FATHER KNOWS BEST     Ryan Ellett     In early 1949 General Foods, represented by Young & Rubicam and Benton & Bowles, dropped its sponsorship of the Burns & Allen radio program which advertised its Maxwell House Coffee. Executives blamed the cancellation on the program’s weekly $17,500 price tag which they claimed had become too expensive for radio in a time of growing television power. Not ready to entirely abandon radio, General Foods (still through Benton & Bowles) committed $7,500 per week – less than half their budget for Burns & Allen – to a new domestic comedy, Father Knows Best.     The show was created by Ed James – who also scripted it initially – and developed by Rodney-Young Productions. Rodney-Young was a partnership formed years before between Eugene B. Rodney and Robert Young, the latter a Hollywood actor who would be cast as the series lead, the Anderson family patriarch Jim Anderson. Harold “Scrappy” Lambert, a former band vocalist who got into radio in the 1930s - packaged the entire deal.     Father Knows Best debuted on August 25, 1949 over NBC. In addition to Robert Young – a contract studio actor who earned over 100 film credits in 20 years on the big screen – Father Knows Best featured Jean Vander Pyl as mother Margaret Anderson for almost the entire run. Pyl’s biggest fame came later in television, most notably as the voice of Wilma Flintstone. The eldest child, Betty, was played by Rhoda Williams, the middle child, Bud, by Ted Donaldson, and the youngest, Kathy, primarily by Norma Jean Nilsson.     At the beginning of its second season, director Kenneth M. Burton, head of West Coast radio production for the Burton & Bowles agency, died of a heart attack at age 51 in August 1950. He was replaced by Fran van Hartesveldt. Father Knows Best did not miss a beat and amassed its highest season rating of 13.4. During 1951 the program was sponsored over 39 stations of Canada’s Dominion Network after appearing on the Trans-Canada Network. The series proved to be one of NBCs most popular programs in 1951 and it found large audiences in Canada as well.     Near the end of 1951 Ed James handed over writing duties to Paul West who “desquabbled” it according to radio historian Jim Cox, and he set the tone of the program that would endure into its television run. Beginning January 10, 1952, the Crosley Division of Cincinnati’s Avco Manufacturing took over sponsorship from Maxwell House; however, they did not renew after the initial 13-week contract and General Foods resumed sponsorship. During this time lead actor and co-producer Robert Young was awarded the National Safety Council’s Award of Merit for a highway safety campaign in which he participated.     In mid-1952 it was announced that Father Knows Best would be adapted to television, a project that came to fruition two years later in 1954. During the radio program’s fourth season, 1952-1953, the producers decided to tape the program, allowing the cast – especially Robert Morgan – the opportunity to more easily do other projects as well. Even video taping created some logistical challenges, especially when Robert Young embarked on a 40-week theatrical tour with the show Country Girl. To accommodate his schedule the entire cast of Father Knows Best had to be periodically flown to whatever city in which Young was performing and subsequently tape as many episodes as possible. This included 13 recorded in Chicago.     With listenership declining, Father Knows Best transitioned to television for the 1954-55 season. Robert Young was the only member of the radio cast to go. After a rough beginning, Father Knows Best ran on the small screen until 1962. Young announced in 1960 that he’d grown tired of the role of Jim Anderson and wanted to step down. The show continued in reruns on primetime for a further two years and can still regularly be found on cable to this day.     Often used by contemporary writers (most of whom have little to no personal knowledge of the show) as a shorthand reference to an unrealistic and narrow vision of America, this author finds Father Knows Best has held up remarkably well. While it does not include the laugh-out-loud humor of such top comedies as the Jack Benny Show and Fibber McGee & Molly, that was never the intent of its creators. While it certainly avoided the hard issues of its era, so do many family-oriented sitcoms even to the present. It also lacks the racial and ethnic jokes and impersonations that have made some of its peer radio programs more cringe-worthy today.     Widely overlooked by old-time radio enthusiasts and remembered by the wider culture as a television relic, hopefully this Old-Time Radio Researchers release will rekindle interest in this homage to an idyllic America that maybe never really existed but is a place many would like to know.     OTRR Release Information:     Series Name: Father Knows Best     Release Status: OTRR Maintained     Release Date: December 2020     Release Version: Version 2012     Number of DVDs: 1     From the Old Time Radio Researchers Group (OTRR). See "Notes" Section below for more information on the OTRR.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


Old Time Radio Researchers Introduction 3:01
Father Knows Best Synopsis 4:43
Robert Young Audio Biography 3:03
Jean Vander Pyl Audio Biography 2:07
Edward James Audio Biography 2:11
New Year's Eve 29:57
Safety Campaign 29:54
Elusive Card Game 29:31
A Weekend in the Country 29:43
Jim's Birthday 29:51
Income Tax 29:52
An Uncontrolled Dog 29:35
The Golf Challenge 29:38
Betty's Screen Test 29:29
Superstitious Folk 29:29
Time for a New Car 29:20
Father's Day Trip 29:23
A New Housekeeper 29:16
New Arrangements 29:15
Vacation Arrives 29:17
An Efficient House 29:29
Family Car Stolen 29:27
Who Has the Time 29:36
A New Girlfriend 29:33
Family Spending 29:34
The Skunk Must Go 29:42
A Spooky Cemetary 29:31
Too Many Problems 29:22
The Bad Barbecue 29:31
Enterprising Kids 29:36
A Modern Thanksgiving 29:33
Betty's French Teacher 29:40
Father Becomes Ill (AFRS) 25:28
Father Becomes Ill 29:35
A Hans Christian Andersen Christmas 29:30
Party Preparations 29:33
Taking on City Hall 29:39
Missing Furniture 29:31
Redecoration Woes 29:37
Sound Matchmaking 29:28
Jim Inherits a Ranch in Arizona 29:33
What was his Name? 29:38
Orchid for a Lady 29:43
Always Tell Truth 29:39
Rehearsing a Play 29:23
Being a Better Father 29:30
Tax Interruptions 29:09
Stranded Strangers 29:17
Both Bosses Visit 29:17
It Pays to Borrow 29:19
Carrot Costume Party 29:21
Anniversary Secret 29:14
Aunt Martha Visits 29:06
A Missing Salesman 29:13
Junk Around the House 29:16
Locked out of the House 29:21
Anniversary Event 29:15
Going to New York 29:22
Father's Day Picnic 29:17
Mother Drives a Car 29:17
Wedding Preparation 29:20
Meaning of Freedoms 29:16
Saving Money to Buy a Boat 29:26
The Circus 29:46
A Diet Discussion 29:48
Billiard Table 29:30
The Rug 29:27
Gossip 29:26
The Tie 29:39
Father of the Year 29:53
The Music Business 29:30
Thanksgiving Prayer 29:45
The Meteor 29:29
Attic Auction 29:29
Planning a Christmas Party 29:29
The Chaperone 29:54
The Family Behind the Man 29:53
The Fashion Expert 29:49
The Motor Scooter 29:41
Emancipation 29:45
Valentine's Day Party 29:29
Secrets of the Attic 29:53
Keeping Up With the Jones 29:53
No Partiality 29:57
Flowers and Candy 29:29
New Washing Machine 29:06
My Name is Sam 29:29
Kathy's Twin Sister 29:28
Home Management 28:54
Driving Back from Toledo 29:29
Sorting Through Old Trunk 29:29
Aunt Ethel 29:29
Lead Your Own Life, Bud 29:29
Betty is Stage-Struck 29:49
Treasure Hunt 29:49
Kathy's Engagement Ring 29:29
Watching the Dog 29:41
Weekend Away From Home 29:35
Should Women Work 29:39
Betty and Crooner 29:33
Bud Quits School 29:33
Carnival in Town 29:36
Selling the House 28:54
The Missing Pipes 29:06
The Phantom Prowler 29:03
A Worried Witness 29:03
The Kids Revolt 29:03
Shared Christmas Gifts 29:04
Southern Manners 29:03
Second Family Car 29:09
The Boy Next Door 29:10
Bud Dislikes Girls 29:08
Aunt Thelma Visits 29:12
Babysitting Miseries 27:07
Modernizing the Home 29:24
Banged Up Fender 29:27
Overdue Vacation 29:33
To Build a Brick Wall 29:32
The Missing Wedding Ring 29:47
Uninsured Robin 29:35
Bud's Panama Cat Business Venture 29:45
How to Face Problems 29:32
Family Getaway to Beaver Falls 29:34
Old Father Time 29:26
Springtime Woes 29:23
The Good Old Days 29:31
Sophisticated Bud 29:24
Paper Drive Management 29:27
Remembering Names 29:40
Big Inheritance 29:38
Mind Your Manners 29:34
A Date Mix-Up with Leonard and Ralph and Betty 29:35
The Value of Money 29:39
The Life of the Party 29:39
Too Many Peanuts 29:37
Halloween Blues 29:34
Moving to Chicago 29:37
Betty's Engagement 29:46
Missing Uncle 29:40
Thanksgiving 29:35
Too Many Rabbits 29:44
An Old Fashioned Christmas 29:47
New Year's Sitter 29:38
Taking Pictures 29:46
An Unusual Bet 29:41
The Mink Coat Woes 29:47
Trash Can Lids 29:36
The Telephone Mix-Up 29:23
Betty's Freedom 29:39
Check Writing 29:39
Spring Cleaning (AFRS) 25:32
Spring Cleaning 29:41
False Elopement 29:44
Income Tax Mix-Up 29:41
Rainy Day Activity 29:46