Hear Ye Him

Elder Evan A. Fry served as Radio Minister for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS) from 1940 to 1958. He broadcast from Kansas City radio station KMBC which later became KMBZ. These radio ministry segments presented the gospel of Jesus Christ to thousands of people who were not members of the Church. Study guides are also included


HYH001 DoesMyBeliefMatter 14:13
HYH002 OurBeliefInGod 18:17
HYH003 OurBeliefInChrist 18:33
HYH004 OurBeliefInTheHolyGhost 16:52
HYH005 ManHisNatureAndDestiny 17:30
HYH006 WhatIsTheAtonement 19:30
HYH007 FreeMoralWillOrAgency 23:35
HYH008 TheChristOfTheOldTestament 20:51
HYH009 FaithTheWayToSalvation 13:49
HYH010 TheProcessesOfRepentance 16:50
HYH011 BaptismTheDoorToTheKingdom 18:23
HYH012 TheSecondBirth 21:30
HYH013 GrowUpIntoChrist 19:05
HYH014 JesusLives 20:42
HYH015 TheBodyOfChrist 19:27
HYH018 TheGiftsOfWisdomAndKnowledge 19:12
HYH021 GiftsOfMiracles 18:39
HYH022 GiftsOfHealing 19:25
HYH023 WhatBecameOfChristsChurch 21:07
HYH024 BearersOfChristsAuthority 18:09
HYH025 OurStandardOfBelief 21:27
HYH026 TheBiblePromisesOtherScriptures 22:48
HYH027 ChristsOtherSheep 20:44
HYH028 OurAmericanScriptures 16:31
HYH029 WhyBelieveTheBookOfMormon 19:31
HYH030 BookOfMormonEvidences 20:50
HYH031 BookOfMormonWitnesses 20:03
HYH032 BookOfMormonDoctrines 17:02
HYH033 SpiritualAndEthicalLevelsOfTheBookOfMormon 22:15
HYH034 WhoClosedTheCanonOfScripture 19:20
HYH035 ContemporaryScriptures 18:27
HYH036 TheChristianEthicsOfMarriage 19:18
HYH037 GodAndGovernment 22:09
HYH038 TheGloryOfGodIsIntelligence 14:41
HYH039 WhatIsChristianStewardship 17:33
HYH040 EqualityThroughAgency 19:26
HYH041 ImplementingSocialRighteousness 21:39
HYH042 ThyKingdomComeZion 19:02
HYH043 JudgmentIsEternal 17:55
HYH044 TheResurrectionOfTheBody 21:32
HYH045 JesusIsComingSoon 21:15
HYH046 TheMillennialReign 22:25
HYH047 WasJosephSmithAProphet 18:01
HYH048 TheVoiceOfWarning 18:53
HYH049 TheFullnessOfTheGospel 15:34
HYH050 GoodWillToMen 21:02
HYH051 AndNowWhyTarriestThou 16:58
HYH053 GreatGodOurKing 13:11
HYH054 WhatIsTheKingdom 13:18
HYH055 IsraelAndTheKingdom 13:05
HYH056 ChristAndTheKingdomOfIsrael 13:14
HYH057 ChristsChurchAndTheKingdom 13:07
HYH058 TheApostacyAndTheKingdom 11:15
HYH059 TheKingdomWithin 11:57
HYH060 TheHeavenlyKingdom 10:52
HYH061 TheKingdomOfGodOnEarth 10:07
HYH062 ThePresentKingdom 12:56
HYH063 TheFutureKingdom 13:01
HYH064 SubjectsOfTheKingdom 13:06
HYH065 HeirsOfTheKingdom 12:18
HYH066 BringingForthTheKingdom 12:41
HYH067 BuildingUpTheKingdom 12:18
HYH068 SeekingFirstTheKingdom 12:06
HYH069 TheLifeOfTheKingdom 12:19
HYH070 TheKeysOfTheKingdom 13:02
HYH087 TheHouseholderAndTheLaborers 12:54
HYH098 JesusTheWayAndTheTruth 13:19
HYH099 JesusTheLambOfGod 13:29
HYH100 JesusTheSaviorOfTheWorld 13:09
HYH154 TheseSignsShallFollow 18:03