X Minus 1

(4.8 stars; 41 reviews)

Old Time Radio Programs. X Minus 1. Outstanding Sci fi series from the 50's. A Must have for Otr Collectors. X Minus 1 pages and links PAGE 01 . PAGE 02 PAGE 03 Dimension X X Minus 1 Nostalgia Pages Forum

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



xminusone 550422 AndTheMoonBeStillAndBright 24:10
xminusone 550424 NoContact 27:58
xminusone 550501 TheParade 28:16
4 26:17
xminusone 550515 Universe 28:10
xminusone 550522 Knock 28:24
xminusone 550529 TheManInTheMoon 28:08
xminusone 550605 PerigisWonderfulDolls 28:17
xminusone 550707 TheGreenHillsOfEarth 23:58
xminusone 550714 DrGrimshawsSanitorium 23:24
xminusone 550721 Nightmare 24:10
xminusone 550728 TheEmbassy 23:45
xminusone 550804 TheVeldt 23:53
xminusone 550811 AlmostHuman 23:50
xminusone 550818 Courtesy 24:16
xminusone 550825 ColdEquations 23:58
xminusone 550901 Shanghaied 22:56
xminusone 550908 TheMartianDeathMarch 23:24
xminusone 550915 TheCastaways 22:05
xminusone 550922 AndTheMoonBeStillAsBright 24:00
xminusone 551006 FirstContact 22:54
xminusone 551020 ChildsPlay 23:07
xminusone 551027 Requiem 23:44
xminusone 551103 HelloTomorrow 23:30
xminusone 551110 DwellersInSilence 23:47
xminusone 551116 TheOuterLimit 28:08
xminusone 551123 ZeroHour 14:22
xminusone 551130 TheVitalFactor 29:04
xminusone 551207 Nightfall 28:51
xminusone 551214 ToTheFuture 28:49
xminusone 551221 MarionettesInc 29:06
xminusone 551228 ALogicNamedJoe 27:06
xminusone 560104 TheRoadsMustRoll 27:42
xminusone 560111 TimeAndTimeAgain 28:19
xminusone 560118 PerigisWonderfulDolls 24:18
xminusone 560125 TheParade 26:26
xminusone 560201 TheCaveOfNight 28:19
xminusone 560208 C-Chute 28:46
xminusone 560215 SkulkingPermit 28:57
xminusone 560222 Junkyard 27:58
xminusone 560229 HelloTomorrow 24:14
xminusone 560307 AGunForDinosaur 28:04
xminusone 560314 TunnelUnderTheWorld 27:58
xminusone 560321 AThousandDollarsAPlate 27:24
xminusone 560328 APailOfAir 28:08
xminusone 560403 How-To 28:24
xminusone 560410 StarBright 28:11
xminusone 560417 Jaywalker 28:15
xminusone 560424 TheSenseOfWonder 27:55
xminusone 560501 SeaLegs 28:28
xminusone 560508 TheSeventhOrder 29:00
xminusone 560515 HallucinationOrbit 26:14
xminusone 560522 TheDefenders 28:07
xminusone 560529 Lulungameena 28:28
xminusone 560605 ProjectMastodon 23:20


Gene Roddenberry Was Right!

(5 stars)

Ok, there must of been millions of us that were living decades ago that noticed the very high accelerated rate of America's technology increasing. I bet most of us believed the Jetsons (cartoon) were going to be reality for most of us, no doubt we had that Americans and other countries would mostly be transported by flying-cars and/or beaming our body particulars from spaceships. No, we failed to take into account that the rapid rate of increase in electronics, science and technology in general would greatly slowdown from the concept of earth building moon and mars bases as we fought militarily battles in space when dozens of space-aliens as we made friends with other aliens from other planets (and they would all speak in ENGLISH!!). No, what I mean is Gene was right a few decades ago when he endorsed an audio collection of 60 old science fiction radio shows that contained many of the old Dimension-X and X-1 radio shows. Gene described how he felt as a young growing boy listening to many of these exact same radio shows and how they made him feel in an era of the cold-war. I bet Gene shared the same opinion of all of these old Sci-Fi shows that he shared about the 60 select radio show collection he endorsed many decades ago. The only new show I have heard that comes close to the quality of these old episodes is the post 2002 copyrighted radio show of remakes of most of the popular Twilight Zone series. But today's radio shows, when they rarely are produced, seem to never match the quality of old shows such as X-1. I suppose the last really good radio show that many would describe as Science Fiction would be the 1970's CBS Mystery Theater. Like most fans of these radio shows I would love to see a serious high budget Sci Fi radio/mp3 podcast etc shows to be once again made -(need good acting and digital sound loops can tend to over polish such an audio show, and the pay-off of the hard work done in these shows is really obvious). Can anyone advise other audio series such as the cbs mystery theater and the post 2002 remade for radio Twilight Zone series that might be out there? They simply do not make the quality of entertainment these radio shows pull off, and it's really a shame actors now have to worry more about their wait, breast size, hairline etc. instead of keeping their minds on performing good for an audience that may be around over a hundred years. I hope limits on copyrights can be placed on newer radio shows so that after 50, 60 years or more they fall into public domain. That is plenty of time to make a profit and yet not force poor people into copyright violation by the simple action of copying a radio show older than they may be. I feel copyrights were never attended to preserve profits forever, they should have a limit and become public domain as many older creative arts were done. If you like Sci Fi, these radio shows are better than many old Sci Fi movies, and the sound effects work out better than most of the newer produced shows using digital samples!

Fantastic anthology series!

(5 stars)

These are great shows!! As each show is unique, & written by different writers, some obviously are better than others. Few will disappoint! To address questions & comments below: 1. I don't know why my Android wouldn't play these files either, BUT I figured out how to get them to play on my android device. Download the files to your device, then go to the free online file converter and convert them to mp3 files. Not sure what format the files are currently, but this does the trick! Here's the URL: http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp3 a. Click on 'CHOOSE' by the first box. Then browse to the file that you downloaded. 1.On android devices you must go to your storage card first. It will be named /mnt/sdcard or something similar. 2. Then you need to find the folder with the file you want to convert. 'It will most likely be in a folder named "downloads" or possibly "music". The file will be named xminusone_(date)_(title) b. Clicking on the file, will load it onto the web page. I like to lower the bitrate, to make the file smaller. These files are low fidelity, 16 bps shows no loss in quality. c. Go a little furthet down the page and click on the "convert" button. d. When the file has been converted, you'll get a message asking how you want to download the file, just like when you downloaded the file from archive.org. Just respond as you did at archive.org to download the file. You will now get a playable file that will be in the same place as the original file you first downloaded. UPDATE: MX Player ( Available in a free version At Google Play, Android Market and others, will play these files. My original media app for my old android 2.3.4 version would not play these files. 2. I went to Counter Productions website also. While I didn't find any files to download, (I didn't look real hard) I didn't have any problems and it seemed like a legitimate website to me. no promises though... 3. Someone asked for other similar programs. Arch Obeler's Lights Out, The Inner Sanctum, The Creaking Door, The Weird Circle, and Suspense come to mind. It's of a different genre, but I have to plug one of my very favorites, Elliott Lewis in The Voyage of the Scarlet Queen. I hope this can be of value to someone!

over and over again

(5 stars)

I've listened to these for years. My CD's have become unreadable over the years and it's great to have access to these archives. This is great classic sci-fi and just great storytelling. Some of it's simple by today's standards but the production is good and the stories hold up. Many of today's audiobooks are to full of themselves and listening to one narrator can get boring. I could easily see home productions of newer short stories by talented armature writers, producers and actors.

X Minus What?

(5 stars)

Sitting under my bed, there was a hole in my mattress, I recall listening to X-1, (echoing) from a clock radio in my bedroom, Stories about the future. i listened, and enjoyed every moment many times over and still, the 1950's mix with morality a touch of each and survive, have we turned away from our past? Or was it Demention X? salute the past. and thanks to those great sci-fi pulps and all the greater storytellers. you covered me with space dust.

love these stories

(4 stars)

ive listened to them all over and over they are great but some nitpicking comes in like with cold equasions if it is really that tight on fuel her being there at all ruined the trip ejecting her wouldnt change with no contact you have to ask what kind of FTL communication device do they have to instantly transmit and receive at the edge of the galaxy at least they covered the time delay with pictures don't lie love the c-chute but i was confused how they could keep the passenger compartment sealed when the klorels turned the atmosphere into chlorine i assume an airlock but having an airlock to a hallway makes no sense cause the first guy got shot as he opened the door so it seems there was none a gun for dinosaur i thought is better than the bradbury sound of thunder a logic named joe amazing the foresight but shampoo that can make you sober was pushing it requiem great story couldnt they have come up with a better system for the old guy like a liquid filled tank and give him scuba the vital factor great story but foolish they never did tests with the new ships to find out the guy was holding something back tunnel under the world confused about human brain circuits unless somehow people had some kind of implants project mastadon very fun but uncontollable time travel seems annoying the device can only go exactly 50,000 years to the past and the future i only assume they are terrified to go 50,000 years into the future project trojan awesome idea german engineers acomplished the impossible but it backfired seventh victim great story what a world to live in the movie was cool had to go find it the seventh order great story but wouldnt a buried bomb have worked as well?

love these stories

(4 stars)

ive listened to them all over and over they are great but some nitpicking comes in like with cold equasions if it is really that tight on fuel her being there at all ruined the trip ejecting her wouldnt change with no contact you have to ask what kind of FTL communication device do they have to instantly transmit and receive at the edge of the galaxy at least they covered the time delay with pictures don't lie love the c-chute but i was confused how they could keep the passenger compartment sealed when the klorels turned the atmosphere into chlorine i assume an airlock but having an airlock to a hallway makes no sense cause the first guy got shot as he opened the door so it seems there was none a gun for dinosaur i thought is better than the bradbury sound of thunder a logic named joe amazing the foresight but shampoo that can make you sober was pushing it requiem great story couldnt they have come up with a better system for the old guy like a liquid filled tank and give him scuba the vital factor great story but foolish they never did tests with the new ships to find out the guy was holding something back tunnel under the world confused about human brain circuits unless somehow people had some kind of implants project mastadon very fun but uncontollable time travel seems annoying the device can only go exactly 50,000 years to the past and the future i only assume they are terrified to go 50,000 years into the future project trojan awesome idea german engineers acomplished the impossible but it backfired seventh victim great story what a world to live in the movie was cool had to go find it the seventh order great story but wouldnt a buried bomb have worked as well?

If you're going to rate the episodes......

(0 stars)

While I appreciate the ratings, if I were a potential listener, I wouldn't know how to take the them. What is the criteria for the episode being three stars, or however many? The potential listener doesn't know if you liked (or disliked) the show because of the plot, it being a rehash of similar but better shows, good or bad writing (or action, or sound effects). I personally think X Minus 1 is a great series because it generally has above average story lines with well crafted scripts, they're mostly believeable, even when far-fetched, the acting is above average, and because I like science fiction; but even as a fan of the series and being familiar with the episodes, you would better get my attention to re-listen to episodes by (instead of saying it gets 2 stars out of 5 or 5 stars out of 5) giving a one-line sentence (or less) capsule summary and saying "2 stars out of 5 because it's an old story line" or "the plot's not realistic even for science fiction", or "poor acting, no sense of emotion", or "a a slow plot that drags until an unexpected closing sequence and an in-your-face surprise ending." minute with an unexpected . To simply say 2 out of 5 is like would be like saying Nolan Ryan is a better baseball player than Ted Williams, or that Norman Mailer is a better writer than Madam Curie was a scientist.

Everything old is new again

(5 stars)

We think of our situation in the world as a unique artifact of time and place, but here we can see this just is not so. The current state of media is 90% of it is pewp on ice and the remaining 10% ranges from watchable to jaw dropingly good. It was the same for radio. Much of it was soap operas, rehashed crime drama (CSI:1950 anyone?) and various serialized branded shows that where commericials with cute characters. In the 10% there was DimX and X-1. Just look at the talent that was being used as story crafters. It is a testiment to their great works that even having been rewritten for the radio the stories still shined. Some of the incidental music in these series can sound corny as all get out to our ears, but even that cant diminish the shows. The lasting mark these shows have had over the decades can be seen not only in the traditional SF world but also in homages such as Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy. All in all these two series are Must Listen Radio (tm) for any and all OTR lovers. -tomhiggins