
Read by Anne Fletcher

(4.8 stars; 59 reviews)

The final story featuring the inhabitants of the growing township of Innisfield: Mrs Philura Pettibone’s story reaches its long-awaited conclusion and Miss Malvina’s life is changed forever by the arrival of various ”fur’ners”. Published in 1917, with America’s entry into the war in Europe imminent, the story dwells on friendships, the melting- pot of nationalities that make up the USA, and the personal struggle between pacifism and patriotism in wartime. While the writing keeps its gently ironic style for most of the time, it also features more serious and sometimes rather melodramatic themes. - Summary by Anne Fletcher

Books in the series:
1 - The Transfiguration of Miss Philura
2 - Miss Philura's Wedding Gown
3 - The Heart of Philura
4 - Neighbors (8 hr 52 min)


Chapter 01 15:27 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 02 6:54 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 03 15:33 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 04 16:43 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 05 20:38 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 06 21:38 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 07 27:39 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 08 16:02 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 09 13:36 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 10 11:13 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 11 13:39 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 12 16:33 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 13 9:50 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 14 14:36 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 15 23:34 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 16 22:54 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapater 17 14:53 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 18 22:15 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 19 19:15 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 20 17:49 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 21 14:01 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 22 9:53 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 23 15:31 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 24 22:07 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 25 19:36 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 26 21:51 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 27 30:31 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 28 20:11 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 29 14:28 Read by Anne Fletcher
Chapter 30 18:42 Read by Anne Fletcher
L'Envoi 5:19 Read by Anne Fletcher


Pretty good

(4.5 stars)

I am sorry this appears to be the final entry in this series; there should be so much more written about the people in this town. I feel as though I am reluctantly leaving friends and neighbors to an unknown fate. Having grown up in a small New England town myself, these people, their attitudes, and their surroundings are quite familiar to me. I would have preferred to have seen a lot more of Philura in this last book, but the encounters we did have with her were good ones. Well read by the Librivox volunteer.

it's like Seinfeld :-) circa 1900

(5 stars)

annie70 is WONDERFUL worth greet voices. You can absolutely SEE EACH CHARACTER because of thanks to her delivery. I especially subtle variations I the local accents. love the this is the last book in the series (all have the same style cover. (Transformation, Wedding Gown,

(5 stars)

I've enjoyed listening to all four books, but the last one made me feel like I've said a final farewell to some very dear friends😔. I wish there'd been a sequel as book 4 left me wanting to know more about the characters. The reader is beyond excellent!!!!!

Commitment to truth

(4 stars)

Interesting story of another time in history when neighborly loyalty was a thing. I enjoyed hearing the heart of the different characters and how the truths of conscience helped them make a better decision even though it was hard for them.

(3 stars)

Anne Fletcher is a marvelous reader. I’d listen to anything she read. Sadly, This final book in the series wasn’t nearly as interesting and sweet as the first three.

Good book

(5 stars)

And big kudos to Annie for doing a great job of reading aloud. She does so well with impersonation!!

love the whole series

(5 stars)

Will definitely listen to these again. A good wholesome story.

This series of 3 stories by Florence Morse Kingsley, ending with this story Nei…

(5 stars)