Human Rights and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Challenges and prospects

University of Oxford Podcasts


Accountability and Globalisation 14:24 Read by Fiona de Londras and Kate Donald
Integrating Challenges of Armed Conflict and Insecurity 48:47 Read by Dapo Akande, Keith Krause and Tom Wheeler
The Right to a Healthy Environment/Climate Justice 52:24 Read by Dominic Roser, Simon Caney, Ricardo Fuentes and Olivier de Schutter
Equality, Non-discrimination and Equity 1:00:17 Read by Malcolm Langford, Sandra Fredman, Ed Anderson and Sabina Alkire
Human Rights and a New Global Agenda 46:27 Read by Jaakko Kuosmanen, Henry Shue, Jennifer Welsh and Malcolm Langford
Post-2015 Development Agenda and the State of Play 1:01:08 Read by Ian Goldin, Mac Darrow, Isabel Ortiz, Roberto BIssio and Baard Hjelde