ICT for Development (ICT4D)

University of Oxford Podcasts


Combatting Corruption with Mobile Phones 1:02:04 Read by Vivek Srinivasan
Africa’s Information Revolution: Rhetoric and Reality 1:13:40 Read by Padraig Carmody
Dying for an iPhone: The Hidden Struggle of China’s Workers 1:21:54 Read by Jenny Chan
Ethical Treatment of Data in New Digital Landscapes - bringing development pract… 36:19 Read by Amy O'Donnell
The (so far) grassroots success story of Farmerline, a social mobile tech enterp… 1:15:20 Read by Alloysius Attah
ICT, Civic Education and Civil Society Capacity Building in Iran 1:05:19 Read by Mariam Memarsadeghi
What Hopes for ICT for Development? 53:44 Read by Tim Unwin
Thoughts Towards a History of ICT4D - And Its Future Role 1:25:41 Read by David Souter
How best to communicate with communities affected by disaster? Case Studies from… 1:09:56 Read by Nicki Bailey
The Internet in a post-PRISM world 44:20 Read by Dan McQuillan
Crowdsourcing and Development of Activity Systems: the Case of Emergency Respons… 50:49 Read by Gregory Asmolov
The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Implications for ICT4D Research 1:19:52 Read by Richard Heeks
The Information Society Agenda: Prospects and Problems 1:16:25 Read by Robin Mansell
ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories 29:31 Read by Abdirashid Duale
Humanitarian campaigns in social media: network architectures and Kony 2012 as a… 47:21 Read by Mirca Madianou
Disjunctures and Connections: Case Studies of How Techno-politics Make and Cut N… 1:16:26 Read by Don Slater
Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013 1:10:02 Read by Mark Thompson