Ford Theater 49 03 04 The Horn Blows At Midnight

(5 stars; 6 reviews)

This is the radio version of The Horn Blows at Midnight, starring Jack Benny, and Claude Rains.

Jack, playing a minor angel named Athanael, is given the task of going to Earth and blowing a trumpet at midnight to signal the end of the world.


Possibly superior to the film

(5 stars)

This compact audio version of Jack Benny's infamous box office disappointment lacks the silly sight gags that marked the movie as second-rate among theatregoers in its time. It is interesting to note where the original script had to be tweaked to accommodate the radio format and compressed time slot. The resulting product is both of historical note to Benny fans and an enjoyable, light-hearted hour of mirth for general audiences who may be unfamiliar with the legendary "star of stage, screen, radio and television."

Benny as a dramatic actor

(5 stars)

This drama was mentioned in a few episodes with Orson Wells* that Benny was learning to be a dramatic actor. this play also has many voices made famous from other shows as well. it is a good recording, has laugh track which one may have to listen closely to understand the jokes.