Amber Page and the Legend of the Coral Stone

Read by Stacey Cochran

(3.8 stars; 32 reviews)

On the island of Maui, a sixteen-year-old international spy named Rio Kayenta discovers a two-thousand-year-old coral stone. Legend has it that the stone is meant for a girl named Amber and that with it, she can stop the evil S.H.R.O.U.D. organization. Amber Page lives in the Arizona desert and wants one thing more than anything else in the world: to see her mom and dad back together again. Amber's mom is a school bus driver who has split with her dad, but Amber believes the two still love one another. When a strange old man stops at nothing to tell Amber that the legendary stone is meant for her, it frightens her and her family deeply. It is a race against the clock to get the stone to Amber and to see if she will realize its legendary powers. For with the stone strengthening her, Amber may be able to save her family and the world.

David Morrell, internationally bestselling author of First Blood and creator of Rambo - "This is one heck of a good idea for a novel."

Simon Wood, author of Accidents Waiting to Happen - "A Da Vinci Code for the junior high generation."

Jeremy Robinson, bestselling author of The Didymus Contingency - "An entertaining, fast-paced read with a hero like no other... Highly recommended."

Mark Jeffrey, bestselling author of The Pocket and the Pendant - "[Stacey Cochran] has very clear empathy for Amber, her mom, her dad and their situation in life."

Ken Brosky, Editor-in-Chief Brew City Magazine - "Nonstop action... powerful!"

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Episode 1 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 2 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 3 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 4 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 5 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 6 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 7 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 8 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 9 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 10 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 11 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 12 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 13 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 14 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 15 Read by Stacey Cochran
Episode 16 Read by Stacey Cochran


(1 stars)

OK. will start by telling you what it IS worth your time. Before telling you what isn't worth your time. The book written by the same author which ties into this one called "the Colorado sequence this book is really great. It storyline is awesome. It actually has a good reader which enables you to grip into the storyline. It also has the right tone of music, slowly builds up towards the end of each episode. and as far as audiobooks go you could not really be faulted that much. I would recommend that novel where as THIS novel is read by the author which is a mistake because he doesn't use the right tone to get you gripped into the story. also infuriatingly adds a "nah" on the last word at end of almost every paragraph - just plain trying too hard. and in amber page's flight scene, he adds in really cheesy sound effects that make it seem like a game of streetfighter. he also tries to give too much information in scenes, which doesn't help your imaginations imagery flow, rather distracts from the story. 0.5/10

(0 stars)

I agree with David Morrell that this is one heck of a good idea for a novel! In a nutshell, it’s a "James Bond" type tale with a climax reminiscent of "The Matrix’s" flair for bending reality and it’s really hard to stop listing after the first episode. With all ...

(0 stars)

I just binged this. Unfortunately the rating system is giving me a bit of trouble at the moment. I was with you right up to episode 12 or so, then the whole storyline fell completely appart. Very disappointing... shrug. It has production going for it though. The naration is excelent. ...

(0 stars)

This was my first podiobooks audiobook I've listened to and I'd have to say that it wasn't bad. The audio quality was excellent (no static or hard-to-hear parts). The narrator had lots of energy -- sometimes too much when he got excited. The only real thing that I didn't like ...

(0 stars)

I've made it up to Episode 11 and find that this book has way too much violence for me. There are a lot more guns and shooting than I like, and way more than I expect from a YA book. Probably a guy thing. You'd probably get more listeners if ...

(0 stars)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was completely annoyed by the -ah at the end of basically every word. What in the heck? I couldn't make it more than 10 minutes because I couldn't even focus on what was happening because the "-ah"s were driving me crazy.

(0 stars)

Good story, but sounds like an abridged version. Story jumps around without any "connections". Reader sounds like a preacher-ah putting a new sylable-ah at the end-ah of many words-ah. However, story is good enough to distract from that. Good story, warrants recommendation.

(0 stars)

Hey P.G., Thanks, man. I've got some good news on the group-bookstore-signing front, we talked about. I'll be getting an email out to the NC Lulu Authors group in the next day or two about it. Stacey