Case Studies In Innovative Practice

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University of Oxford Podcasts


Weblearn: Improving Admin 3:52 Read by Claire Aland
Europeana 1914-1918: Community Collection 5:26 Read by Alun Edwards
23 Things: Oxford 6:32 Read by Laura Wilkinson and Penny Schenk
Student Innovation: the LHSee app 6:06 Read by Chris Boddy
Blogging to Engage: Politics in Spires 6:12 Read by Kate Candy and A. Blake Ewing
Assessment for Learning: Using Mobile Polls in the Classroom 9:18 Read by Helen Christian
Blended Learning in Cross-Disciplinary Programmes: WebLearn 7:49 Read by Adrian Stokes
Student Innovation: Developing Mobile Apps for learning 4:38 Read by Helen Ginn
Using Agent-based Modelling to think about Complex Systems 7:43 Read by Ken Kahn, Howard Noble, Angela McLean and Samir Bhatt
Supporting Tutorials: Using Weblearn 5:38 Read by James Robson