Joseph: Beloved, Hated, Exalted

Read by MaryAnn

(4.7 stars; 24 reviews)

I remember seeing the huge Matterhorn reflected, in its minutest details, in a small mountain lakelet, many miles distant; and similarly, the life of Jesus is remarkably mirrored in this touching story. In fact, there are scenes in the life of Joseph which probably foreshadow events that are timed to happen in the near future, and which depict them with a vividness and minuteness not to be found elsewhere on the page of Scripture. It is here only that we can fully realize what will take place when the Lord Jesus makes Himself known to his brethren according to the flesh, and they exclaim, "It is Jesus our brother!" (From the Preface) (5 hr 33 min)


Early Days 17:18 Read by MaryAnn
The Pit 20:04 Read by MaryAnn
In the House of Potiphar 25:27 Read by MaryAnn
The Secret of Purity 10:35 Read by MaryAnn
Misunderstood and Impriosoned 28:04 Read by MaryAnn
The Steps of the Throne 27:49 Read by MaryAnn
Jospeh's First Interview with His Brethern 24:47 Read by MaryAnn
Jospeh's Second Interview with His Brethern 23:54 Read by MaryAnn
Joseph Making Himself Known 22:46 Read by MaryAnn
Joseph's Administration of Egypt 19:11 Read by MaryAnn
Joseph's Father 22:06 Read by MaryAnn
Joseph at the Death-bed of Jacob 22:53 Read by MaryAnn
The Secret of Fruitfulness 18:26 Read by MaryAnn
The Secret of Strength 10:57 Read by MaryAnn
The Secret of Blessedness 16:22 Read by MaryAnn
Joseph's Last Days and Death 22:26 Read by MaryAnn


Thought Provoking

(5 stars)

Great reader who reads with clarity and pleasant pace. The context of this book continues to be relevant to this day. Joseph points the way to Christ as one who suffered at the hand of his brothers yet forgave all the trespasses against him.

(4 stars)

really interesting. pretty deep and carefully developed. but it still managed to move along.