Fireside Chat On Battle Of The Bulge
20:42 |
1945-01-28 CBS World News Today
25:05 |
Last Broadcast
0:33 |
1945-02-12 FDR Returns From Allied Conference At Yalta
3:45 |
1945-02-18 CBS World News Today
24:35 |
Reports The First Strikes On Iwo Jima
2:22 |
1945-02-19 CAN Live Coverage Of U.S. Marines Landing On Iwo Jima
4:49 |
On Iwo Jima Landings
2:17 |
1945-02-20 CAN Arthur Prims Observation Flight Over Iwo Jima
5:01 |
Report On Japanese Fortifications On Iwo Jima
1:21 |
Tank Communications In Battle For Iwo Jima
2:53 |
1945-02-25 CAN Secretary Of The Navy James Forrestal On The Battle Of Iwo Jima
4:26 |
1945-02-27 CAN Sgt Mawson - Battle Of Motoyama Airfield On Iwo Jima
3:49 |
1945-03-01 FDR Last Address Before Congress
1:00:33 |
Reports As Battleship Destroys Plane
1:32 |
Remagen Bridge Crossed
0:21 |
1945-03-08 BBC Ian Wilson Reports Americans Cross The Rhine
0:43 |
Reports From Montgomery's HQ
1:42 |
1945-03-11 CBS World News Today
24:50 |
General Slim's 14 Army In Mandalay
2:04 |
As Gliders Cross Rhine
1:10 |
Recounts Glider Landing
3:43 |
Awaiting To Cross The Rhine
2:12 |
During The British Crossing Of The Rhine
1:21 |
Reports Winston Churchill Crosses The Rhine
1:23 |
Recounts German Attack On Hamilcar
1:34 |
1945-03-25 CBS World News Today
24:48 |
Reports From Germany
1:16 |
British Soldier Released From OFLAG 12B
3:36 |
Reports On The Spearhead
1:58 |
1945-03-xx RRG Audio From Adolf Hitlers Final Wochenschau
0:42 |
1945-04-05 CBS World News Today
25:02 |
Reports on German Civilian Reaction
2:07 |
1945-04-08 CBS World News Today
24:50 |
1945-04-12 CBS Bill Henry Reports On Order Of Succession
11:40 |
1945-04-12 CBS Bulletin Reports FDR Is Dead
0:25 |
1945-04-12 CBS Don Fisher Coverage Following FDRs Death
21:31 |
Reports FDR's Death
1:04 |
1945-04-12 NBCB Coverage Of FDRs Death
13:51 |
1945-04-12 WNYC Fiorello La Guardia On FDR
9:54 |
1945-04-13 BBC News Dora Bateman Commentary On FDRs Death
4:39 |
1945-04-13 CBS Memorial Services For Franklin D Roosevelt
15:14 |
1945-04-13 NBC News
12:41 |
1945-04-13 NBC Reports On FDRs Funeral Train
13:41 |
1945-04-15 CBS Edward Murrow On Buchenwald
10:40 |
1945-04-15 CBS World News Today
25:02 |
1945-04-15 NBC Our Hour Of National Sorrow
1:58:42 |
1945-04-15 WMCA New World A Coming - Tribute To Franklin D Roosevelt
29:59 |
1945-04-16 President Truman Addesses Congress After FDRs Funeral
6:02 |
1945-04-17 President Truman On The Death Of President Roosevelt
3:35 |
1945-04-19 BBC Richard Dimbleby Reports From Belsen
2:23 |
'Our Hitler!' Birthday Speech
7:12 |
1945-04-24 BBC Wynford Vaughan Thomas Reports On Bucholz Hall Of Honor
7:26 |
Reports From Link-Up Lunch At Elbe
0:55 |
Frank Gillard at Torgau-Elbe
0:45 |
1945-04-27 MBS Sigrid Schultz In Ravensbruck
2:18 |
1945-04-27 NBC Special Broadcast
9:05 |
1945-04-28 NBCB News Robert Krupp Reports
4:21 |
1945-04-29 NBC Walter Winchell
12:02 |
1945-04-30 CBC G
0:22 |
1945-04-30 RSH Lord Haw Haw - Final Broadcast
12:30 |
On Siegenheim Prison Camp
2:26 |
1945-05-01 BBC Stuart Hibberd Announces Hitler Is Dead
1:28 |
1945-05-01 MBS News Reports Hitler Is Dead
14:15 |
1945-05-01 NBCB Bulletin Adolph Hitler Is Dead
1:17 |
Announces The Fall Of Berlin
0:30 |
On Wehrmacht Surrender In Lauenberg
0:30 |
Mock 'Germany Calling' Broadcast
3:13 |
Awaits Surrender At Mongomery's HQ
0:21 |
Reads The Surrender Terms
0:58 |
1945-05-05 BBC Radio Newsreel From Belsen Concentration Camp
29:32 |
1945-05-05 MBS Paul Manning
3:31 |
Announces VE Day
1:20 |
1945-05-07 CBS Noonhour News
14:25 |
1945-05-07 MBS Worldwide News
14:05 |
Reports Germany Surrenders
0:26 |
God Save The King
1:01 |
Reports As Crowds Celebrate VE Day
1:17 |
On Victory
0:57 |
Remember Those Who Gave Their Lives
1:03 |
Royal Family Greets VE Day Crowds
1:18 |
1945-05-08 BBC Winston Churchill - Germanys Unconditional Surrender
6:32 |
1945-05-08 BBC Winston Churchill - VE Day Celebrations Ministry of Health Build…
2:58 |
1945-05-08 MBS Gabriel Heatter News Of The World
15:03 |
1945-05-08 NBCB King George VI On Victory In Europe
13:50 |
1945-05-08 NBCB VE Day Special Broadcast
56:33 |
1945-05-08 NBC President Truman Proclaims Victory in Europe
19:47 |
1945-05-09 BBC Thomas Cadett Describes The Devastation Of Berlin
3:21 |
Reports From Hitler's Bunker
1:23 |
1945-05-09 CAN Howard K Smith Reports On Berlins Destruction
10:14 |
1945-05-13 CBS World News Today
25:07 |
Recounts Winter Struggle In Holland
0:44 |
1945-05-20 CBS World News Today
24:56 |
1945-05-xx MBS Special Marine Broadcast
14:48 |
1945-06-15 NHK The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne Iva Toguri
50:19 |
1945-06-20 NBC News With Robert St John
13:40 |
Reports On Eisenhower's Homecoming
29:41 |
13:57 |
1945-06-xx VOA First Marine Division - A Love Note To Tokyo Rose
1:37 |
1945-07-08 CBS World News Today
25:07 |
1945-07-28 MBS Reports Army Bomber Crashes Into Empire State Building
5:53 |
1945-07-29 CBS World News Today
25:12 |
1945-07-29 Truman Speaks Of Japanese Rejection Of US Ultimatum
0:31 |
Atomic Bomb Destroys Hiroshima
0:55 |
Reports On Hiroshima Bombing
0:21 |
1945-08-08 CBS Edward Morrow Reports Russia Declares War On Japan
1:56 |
1945-08-09 NHK The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne Iva Toguri
50:51 |
1945-08-09 President Truman Threatens Japan With Furthur Atomic Attacks
0:26 |
1945-08-11 NHK The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne Iva Toguri
52:31 |
1945-08-12 CBS World News Today
25:10 |
1945-08-12 MBS False Initial UPI Report Of Japanese Surrender
0:50 |
1945-08-13 MBS Gabriel Heatter Waiting For VJ Day
14:22 |
1945-08-14 CBS Reports Truman Accepts Japanese Surrender
3:54 |
1945-08-14 CBS Reports VJ Day Celebrations In Cinncinati
0:47 |
1945-08-14 CBS Robert Trout Reports End Of World War II
0:15 |
1945-08-14 MBS Bulletin - Japan Surrenders
3:58 |
1945-08-14 NBC Ben Grauer On VJ Day Celebrations In Times Square
4:22 |
1945-08-14 NBC Don Oder Reporting From Chicago
3:33 |
1945-08-14 NBC HV Kaltenborn Reports On The End Of The War
5:31 |
On Japanese Surrender
0:35 |
1945-08-14 Public Announcement - VJ Day Services
0:20 |
1945-08-14 Reaction In Washington
0:13 |
1945-08-14 VJ Day Report From White House
0:32 |
1945-08-14 Woman Describes VJ Day Announcement
0:24 |
British Crowd Celebrates VJ Day
1:14 |
British Crowd Sings God Save The King
0:45 |
Announces The Surrender Of Japan
0:55 |
To Empire
1:00 |
1945-08-15 NHK Hiro Hito Announces Japanese Surrender
0:11 |
On Victory
1:03 |
1945-08-19 CBS World News Today
25:23 |
1945-08-26 CBS World News Today
24:50 |
1945-09-01 General MacArthur On Victory Over Japan
1:42 |
1945-09-02 Japanese Surrender Ceremony Onboard USS Missouri
32:36 |
1945-09-02 NBC Japanese Surrender Broadcast Recap
17:08 |
1945-09-02 Trumans Victory Over Japan Speech
2:04 |
1945-09-13 ABC Your AAF - A Report To The American People
29:05 |
1945-09-20 Orphan Anne Performs Mock Sign-Off For US Newsreels
0:19 |
1945-09-20 Orphan Anne Performs Mock Sign-On For US Newsreels
0:56 |
On Building The Burma Railway
1:22 |
1945-11-14 G
0:24 |
1946-03-05 BBC Winston Churchill - The Sinews Of Peace
55:35 |
1946-05-20 James Brynes On Post War Treaty Talks In Paris
2:29 |
1946-10-01 Geoffrey Lawrence Sentences G
0:32 |