
Vanishing Point is the title of a science fiction anthology series that ran on CBC Radio from 1984 until 1986, and then under a varying array of sub-titles until 1991. (Summary from Wikipedia)
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Going, going, gone...

A LibriVox Listener
I miss this show, twas truly the last of a dying breed. Gentle listener, give this your time. You guys have GOT to straighten out the labeling though, according to your list you only have a half-dozen or so episodes that just repeat. Why in the world is it like that? And I gotta warn you, the background piano music is ridiculously loud, and at times it ruins the ambient mood.
Soooo good

No cheesy overdone music, good stories well acted. Most excellent.
Great show

Nicely done, some very creepy.
ABSOLUTELY, hands down, the best.

I love OTR and have been collecting shows since I was a child. I have heard thousands of shows in my time, and of all them, "Vanishing Point" is hands down the very best. Second would be "Nightfall", but it wouldn't be a close race. "Vanishing point" is truly a mindf*&ker. One episode, "Snow Shadow Area", is simply the most frightening thing I have ever heard, and I played it for friends to make sure my assessment was right- all were astounded, and none of them are OTR types. Having listened to about half of them at this point, I think the episode i mentioned above is the very best, but many others are unsettling and quite strange. Not all are the very best, but worth a listen.
Missing episodes

I have two episodes in mp3 form (transferred from cassette) that are not here: Alligators in the Lake and Journey to a Secret Sea.) I just got my account and maybe latter I will upload them. Also missing and I don't have copies of are: The Doctor's Casebook The Black Persian Tales of the Near Future The Man Who Thought Ian Tyson was God Childhood's End The Word for World Is Forest and an expansion of Curse of the Unnamed Planet called Adventures on the Unnamed Planet (3 more episodes). That being said; this is a good collection other than the errors other people have listed. I have just upload the two episodes I mentioned. You can get them here: https://archive.org/details/CBCRadioVanishingPoint

A LibriVox Listener
I liked the show but the list is all jumbled. there's like six episodes all titled the same thing and some of them skip at about the three and a half minute mark..its getting pretty frustrating. I have used this app on an iPhone, and while I like the look and setup for the app better on my different phone, and from the Google play store, its not the same. anyway if the episodes were listed correctly and didn't have multiples and skip it would have gotten more stars
David Helwig episodes are terrific

Lex Berman
If you want to really get the Twilight Zone feel of this show, you can do no better than to start with the two episodes written by Canadian author, poet, journalist, David Helwig. My personal favorite is episode #2, The Disappearance. There is a sweet, innocent feel to the show, which slowly pulls you deeper like quicksand, perfectly counterpoised by musical interludes and seemingly random incidents. #27, the Unliving, is also creepy and hair-raising. Just love Vanishing Point!
Some audio too much bass

not enough bandwidth? maybe copied from cassette? most of the audio is great though. Some reviewers missing some episodes, there's another website that has the ones listed, Im not affiliated with it in any way shape nor form, I don't think ethically I can list the actual url but it goes by a phrase "Your source for dumb stuff" and they have an old time radio section. Golden Triangle episode is there, so are some others.