Lineup 501116 013 The Candy Store Murder aka-Candy Store Killing
29:33 |
Lineup 501123 014 The Topaz Earring Case aka-Murder of Larry Zimmerman Murdered…
29:54 |
Lineup 501130 015 The Cop Killer found as Narcotics Agent Killer
29:06 |
Lineup 501207 016 The Jersey Parallel aka-Seven People Killed By Same Man Mad M…
29:44 |
Lineup 501221 018 The Holsteder Case Hilston Brothers Robbery No Bank Robbed in…
29:32 |
Lineup 501228 019 The Elsner Case aka-Unidentified Woman Strangled 60 Year Old …
29:38 |
Lineup 510104 020 The Case of Frankie and Joyce aka-Joyce Ronson Wife Killer
29:40 |
Lineup 510111 021 The Mad Bomber aka-George Hunter And The Time Bomb Lewis Blac…
29:50 |
Lineup 510118 022 Yudo in Ypsilanti aka-The Goldberg Murder Case Numbers Racket
29:52 |
Lineup 510201 024 The Grocery Store Matter aka-Supermarket Murders Grocery Stor…
29:50 |
Lineup 510208 025 The Senile Slugging Case aka-Four Street Assaults Carl Young …
29:34 |
Lineup 510215 026 The Cigar Box Boys Case akaThe Cigar Box Bandit
28:16 |
Lineup 510306 029 The Check Killer Case found as Murdered And Rolled Down A Hil…
25:51 |
Lineup 510612 043a The Harrowing Handball Haggada Case akaCulley Price And The …
23:37 |
Lineup 510612 043b The Harrowing Handball Haggada Case akaCulley Price And The …
25:46 |
Lineup 510619 044 Lieutenant Guthrie Kidnapped
25:03 |
Lineup 510626 045 The Mad Bomber akaPolitcians Home Bombed George Hunter And Th…
25:06 |
Lineup 510705 046a The Syncopic Sweazy SweatOut Case akaDr Simpson Killing
29:07 |
Lineup 510705 046b The Syncopic Sweazy SweatOut Case akaDr Simpson Killing
30:07 |
Lineup 510905 055a The Pointless Pierson Polemic Palarity Case akaMichael Hunte…
29:05 |
Lineup 510905 055b The Pointless Pierson Polemic Palarity Case akaMichael Hunte…
29:13 |
Lineup 510926 058 The Fur Flaunting Floozie Claude Arnwright Lorraine Oberhause…
29:56 |
Lineup 511004 059 The Wild Wild Woman Case Irene OldhamKingston Jewelry Store R…
30:04 |
Lineup 511011 060 The Frivolous Forger Fracas Ed Fisher Bad Checks
29:52 |
Lineup 511018 061 The Nicely Nixed Nixon Case Loan Office Robbery and Murder
30:06 |
Lineup 511101 062 The Jolted Justice Job Case Fay Sealey Larry Frankley Stabbed
29:53 |
Lineup 511108 063 The Pixie Picker Pickle akaIce Pick Stabbings
30:06 |
Lineup 511122 064 The Keenly Clipped Kenovak Case found as Missing Fiance AFRTS
28:23 |
Lineup 511129 065 The Railroad Roundhouse Roundup found as Mrs Green Found Dead…
29:21 |
Lineup 520205 071 The Potting Peter Case found as Lady Killer w Bill Conrad as …
27:07 |
Lineup 520304 075 Murdering Mercers Malingering Case akaChild Deserters
27:05 |
Lineup 520318 077 The Mirthless Moonshiners Methyl Murders found as Bad Booze B…
27:28 |
Lineup 520325 078 The Bakery Bandits Bad Blooper akaBakery Holdups Silk Stockin…
28:21 |
Lineup 520506 084 Babs the Baggy Bungling Brunette Bombshell found as 520805 Ph…
22:10 |
Lineup 520610 089 Lobdells PoodleCut Tomato Case akaHit Run Accident
29:33 |
Lineup 520617 090 The Pitiful Patricide Case akaUnexplainable Murder found as 5…
29:29 |
1952-10-22 Obscene Phone Calls
28:45 |
1952-10-29 Newstand Dealer Beaten
29:21 |
Lineup 520708 093 The Lugar Lugging Laddie Case found as 521105 Drug Store Robb…
29:19 |
1952-10-01 Missing Girl Kidnapping
29:26 |
Lineup 520722 095 The Drinkler Kidnapping Case akaDrinkler Kidnapping found as …
29:05 |
Lineup 520729 096 The Charles Crocked Clobbering Case akaThe Stanley Farmer Mur…
29:01 |
Lineup 520805 097 The Karger Kops a Klinker Case akaPhantom Burglar Home Robber…
29:13 |
Lineup 520910 098 The Jane Doe Case found as 521029 Ludlow Park Jane Doe
29:06 |
Lineup 520917 099 The Fresno Break Case akaGeorge Forbes Narcotics found as 521…
29:25 |
Lineup 521001 101 The Poker Party Killings akaCard Party Murder In A Card Game …
29:23 |
Lineup 521008 102a The Teachers Pet akaOne Dead Husband Narcotics
24:17 |
Lineup 521008 102b The Teachers Pet akaOne Dead Husband Narcotics AFRTS
23:42 |
1952-06-17 Liquor Store Robbery(Bad Boy)
24:21 |
Lineup 521022 104 The Green Cap Case found as Gas Station Attendant Killed
28:51 |
1952-07-01 Singer'sHusband Killed
24:36 |
Lineup 521105 106 The BeBop Bandits Bungling BangBang found as 520708 Bank Robb…
24:28 |
Lineup 521112 107 The Buggered Bunco Boys found as 520715 Grieving Families Che…
28:58 |
Lineup 521119 108a The Modern Sounds Case akaJean Bellamy Young Woman Murdered …
29:00 |
Lineup 521119 108b The Modern Sounds Case akaJean Bellamy Young Woman Murdered …
29:24 |
Lineup 521126 109 The MatthewsMurray Mish Mosh Case akaBetty Mathews found as M…
29:15 |
Lineup 521212 110 The Gasoline Bandit Case akaGas Station Holdups
29:18 |
Lineup 521219 111 The Two Tough Thugs Thing found as Mrs Conway Killed In Parki…
29:06 |
Lineup 530102 113 Cowardly Castro found as CastroManelliTheYoungerHoldUp Dialog…
26:24 |
Lineup 530109 114a Once Upon a SnowPlow akaDorothy Shelton found as Charlotte E…
26:50 |
Lineup 530109 114b Once Upon a SnowPlow akaDorothy Shelton found as 521224 Doro…
26:49 |
Lineup 530211 119 Good Enough to Eat akaFood Poisoning Botulism
28:30 |
Boots Kracov Killing(LQ)
29:13 |
The Lineup Boots Kracov Killing POOR AFRTS
29:13 |