Suspense 05

Old Time Radio Programs. Very well done Mystery Series. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 You Are On Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Final Page
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Suspense Autolite Show brings back memories

I recall listening to Suspense on radio when it was sponsored by Autolite. Thanks to your documentation by date, I can check my calendar, which has each year individually shown by month, so I can see what night it was on. It was on Thursdays for a while, and then on Monday nights about 8 p.m. circa 1953. I stayed with it until the very end when it was on Sundays, at 5:30 p.m., right after Johnny Dollar. The stories were always well done with top notch stars.
Six Feet Under

The Lodger 1927
Absolute thrilling mystery episodes recorded and even a little bit of history input for the listener. Cannot be compared with today's radio or television series. Voices and radio-acting is just top-notch! I am a true fan!!
Recorded at slow speed

500420PearlsAreANuisance.mp3 is at a speed just a little too slow. Harlow Wilcox's familiar, high-pitched, "peppy" voice is sluggish and low.