Sherlock Holmes Basil Rathbone

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
A classic radio show for all mystery fans

I enjoy listening to the New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ever since I was in elementary school to the present. I have read the original stories and I am certainly glad I did. I know these radio episodes are non-canon material but who else but Denis Green and Anthony Boucher can set stories in Rome, Vienna, North Africa, Tibet, Scotland, etc. or who could create a sequel to the famous A Scandal in Bohemia and feature Irene Adler's daughter, or tell of an actor who plays the fiendish demon barber Sweeney Todd thinks he himself is a mad killer. I have also seen the 14 films starring Rathbone and Bruce and liked them just as well. Even though Bruce's Watson is portrayed as a bumbler he still does a good job as Watson.
Love this series

I have this set and am so glad to see Librivox is sharing Sherlock with another generation. These two actors was the Holmes and Watson I grew up listening to on radio and movies. I always have thought of Rathbone & Bruce as Holmes & Watson. I have read all the books,watched all the movies and listened to all the radio shows many times. Thanks to.Librivox and the people who shared this with us.
Nigel Bruce makes a better radio Watson

Than a movie Watson though I've seen him in some delightful moments in the Holmes films. Listening to Bruce Partington Plans. "Fog . . . thickier and murkier" lol Really really thick fog! But he carried on. :) Nigel Bruce actually made a very good radio actor. I think it's because he had to rely on his voice alone to express the character.
Not the fault of Nigel Bruce

he was just playing the character according to the what the script the director wanted. but I do agree that he is better on the radio, less of a fuddy-duddy than the movies. I would love to have someone find more of the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes, but if you want more than you should try the the BBC radio shows made between 1989 and 2000. Clive Merrison and Michael Williams. they did the entire cannon, and it is quite good
Complete Works

Excellent!! Any acting done by Basil Rathbone has got to good. I have always enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes series, and can watch and listen to them over and over again. These recordings have excellent sound quality. For any Sherlock Holmes fan, these are definitely worth a listen too.
Love ol time radio. Reminds me of my childhood!

A LibriVox Listener
Creeping commentary

I would guess its inevitable that politics would creep into the commentary of such a great series of literary history the times then were growing the whole world was entering the great mechanical age of man women then had an knew their place as it were ! ... comparing today's times with that of the growing pains of that great age is ludicrous to say the least . Politics has certainly tried to strangle everything it reaches its a pity !
My Favorite Detective, an Doctor For All Time!!💯🤯

These Ole Sherlock an Watson radio shows are awesome I love them, Being able to listen to them as far back as the original broadcasts.... PRICELESS!! an the Audiobooks are excellent as well, even Better are the DRAMATIC READINGS MOST EXCELLENT Basil and Bruce on radio or TV are my favorite, like all Sherlock Holmes shows!!they live forever for all time and ALL GENERATIONS 💞 🌎 🥂 🍻