Cases of Mr Ace 1947-06-25 001 (Pilot) Man Named Judas
27:33 |
Cases of Mr Ace 1947 #002 Key To A Boobie Trap
26:50 |
Cases of Mr Ace 1947 #003 The Watch & the Music Box 202
12:23 |
EA #001 Jane Writes a Letter
13:11 |
EA #002 Jane Buys Johnny Two Suits
12:13 |
EA #003 Johnny Argues w Ace about Getting a Job
11:48 |
EA #004 Johnny Gets a Job at Everett's Store
12:37 |
EA #005 Johnny Starts his New Job
12:41 |
EA #006 What Is Johnny Doing at Night
12:00 |
EA #007 Catching Fur Thieves
11:35 |
EA #008 Jane Tips off the Thieves
12:02 |
EA #009 Neff Wants Jane to Sell Land to Everett
12:44 |
EA #010 Neff Talks to Jane about Deal
11:55 |
EA #011 Phone Calls
12:12 |
EA #012 Jane Sees Everett about Neff's Land
10:55 |
EA #013 Jane & Neff Talk about Deal
12:41 |
EA #014 Everett Talks to Ace about Deal
12:52 |
EA #015 Ace Finds out about Jane and Neff
11:51 |
EA #016 Neff Sues over Land Deal
11:48 |
EA #017 Ace's Lawyer out of Town
12:03 |
EA #018 Neff's New Lawyer Needs Suit
12:27 |
EA #019 Getting Ready for Trial
12:44 |
EA #020 Jane Gives Neff's Lawyer Ace's Suit
12:30 |
EA #021 Jane Gives Away a Vest
12:03 |
EA #022 Studying for the Trial
12:38 |
EA #023 Jane Testifies in Court
12:16 |
EA #024 Jane's Testimony Aftermath
12:04 |
EA #025 Neff Settles the Suit with Jane
11:31 |
EA #026 Ace Finds out about Neff's Settlement
12:06 |
EA #027 Ace Finds out about his Suit
12:18 |
EA #028 Ace Sets up a Bridge Game
12:59 |
EA #029 Jane Takes Bridge Lessons
12:39 |
EA #030 Cheating at Bridge
11:21 |
EA #031 Runaway Boy
11:24 |
EA #032 Ace Finds out about Runaway
10:32 |
EA #033 (#034-#037 na) Jane Wants to Adopt a Baby
10:54 |
EA #038 Cokie Knocks out Ace & Johnny
10:46 |
EA #039 Cokie Might Be a Prizefighter
10:37 |
EA #040 Neil Gets Cokie a Fight
10:49 |
EA #041 (#042 na) Cokie's First Fight
10:31 |
EA #043 Cokie Is Set up for a Knock-out
11:01 |
EA #044 Jane Takes a $1 Bribe
11:11 |
EA #045 Cokie's Second Fight
10:44 |
EA #046 Ace Is Working Nights
10:36 |
EA #047 Jane Is Worried about What Ace Is Doing at Night
10:31 |
EA #048 Jane Follows Ace in a Taxi
10:58 |
EA #049 Jane Confides in Johnny
10:41 |
EA #050 Jane Tries to Make Ace Jealous
10:59 |
EA #051 The Old Boyfriend
10:44 |
EA #052 The Portrait Is Finished
11:08 |
EA #053 The Other Woman
11:35 |
EA #054 New Neighbor Is Director Doing Screen Test
12:07 |
EA #055 Jane Thinks of a Name for the Screen
11:23 |
EA #056 Jane Wants Neal to Get Her the Script
11:37 |
EA #057 Neal Thinks Lorentz Wants Jane in His Movie
11:47 |
EA #058 Lorentz Tries to Get Marge for His Movie
12:15 |
EA #059 Jane's Screentest
11:24 |
EA #060 Neal Gets Jealous over Lorentz
12:10 |
EA #061 Marge & Jane Stop Speaking
12:20 |
EA #062 Lorentz Tries to Woo Marge
12:05 |
EA #063 Jane & Marge Make up - Betty Lamar Arrives
11:31 |
EA #064 Betty Pulls a Gun on Neal & Lorentz
11:25 |
EA #065 Betty Tries to Kill Marge
12:17 |
EA #066 Jane Tells the Newspapers Everything
11:47 |
EA #067 Neal Has an Idea to Save the Day
11:50 |
EA #068 The Police Question Jane
12:13 |
EA #069 Lorenz Says Goodbye to Marge
11:55 |
EA #070 Jane Wants Marge to Marry Neal
11:26 |
EA #071 The Aces Try to Fix up Neff & Mrs Williams
11:56 |
EA #072 Mrs Williams Helps Neff's Indigestion
11:35 |
EA #073 Jane Get Neff to Ask Mrs Williams Out
11:32 |
EA #074 Neff Takes Mrs Williams Out
11:32 |
EA #075 Neff & Mrs Williams Take Rhumba Lessons
11:56 |
EA #076 Neal Runs a Story in Paper re Neff
11:57 |
EA #077 Neal Works out Deal w Neff for Ace
12:06 |
EA #078 Neff Signs a Deal w Ace
11:29 |
EA #079 Jane Is Put on a Budget
11:03 |
EA #080 Jane Takes Charge of Household Expenses
12:19 |
EA #081 Jane Tries to Learn How to Run the Household
12:02 |
EA #082 Jane Explains Her Budget to Ace
12:13 |
EA #083 Laura Is Giving Money and Food to Her Boyfriend
12:03 |
EA #084 The Aces Meet Laura's Boyfriend Harry
12:10 |
EA #085 Jane Tries to Get Rid of Harry
12:00 |
EA #086 Jane Decides to Get a Loan
11:16 |
EA #087 Jane & Ace Both Borrow Money
11:35 |
EA #088 Jane & Ace Get Each Other's Signature
11:44 |
EA #089 Jane Tries to Get a 3rd Person to Sign Her Loan
11:19 |
EA #090 Jane Asks Neff to Sign Her Loan
11:46 |
EA #091 Neff Learns about Ace's Finances
10:58 |
EA #092 The Aces Convince Neff They Don't Need Money
11:29 |
EA #093 Ace Talks Jane into Opening a Checking Account
11:12 |
EA #094 Jane Opens a Checking Account
11:24 |
EA #095 Jane Has Problems w her Chequing Accnt
11:15 |
EA #096 All of Jane's Cheques Bounce
11:23 |
EA #097 #098 #099 (3 Eps)
34:28 |
EA #097 Jane Hides a Movie Star
11:18 |
EA #098 Jane Wants Joyce to Make Marge Jealous
11:27 |
EA #099 Joyce Tells Jane's Plan to Marge and Neal
11:25 |
EA #100 Ace Becomes Smitten with Joyce
11:09 |
EA #101 (#102 n-a) Jane Finally Jealous of Joyce
11:33 |
EA #103 Joyce Leaves for Hollywood
10:58 |
EA #104 Jane Tries to Write for the Newspaper
11:41 |
EA #105 Jane Pretends She's a Writer
11:06 |
EA #106 Jane Climbs the Social Ladder
11:05 |
EA #107 Bridge with the Marshes
11:54 |
EA #108 Laurette & Nannette Missing Bracelet
11:50 |
EA #109 Jane Invites Marshes for Dinner
11:54 |
EA #110 Detective Traps Jane into Confession
11:47 |
EA #111 Jane Is a Suspect - Ace Buys a Bracelet
11:07 |
EA #112 Jane & Laura Try to Find Bracelet
11:42 |
EA #113 Jane Agrees to Have House Searched
11:07 |
EA #114 Collins Finds Bracelet in Marge's Room
11:42 |
EA #115 Marshes Apologize
11:51 |
EA #116 Ace's Big Deal - Jane Leads a Protest
11:30 |
EA #117 Ace Asks Jane's Permission for Deal
11:42 |
EA #118 Jane in Charge of Protes Publicity
11:55 |
EA #119 Jane Gets Neal's Help with Publicity
11:20 |
EA #120 City Decides Against Ace's Deal
11:43 |
EA #121 Ace Loses Real Estate Business
11:43 |
EA #122 Jane Finds $150 Error in Cheque Book
11:54 |
EA #123 Ace Tells Jane about Losing all his Money
11:41 |
EA #124 Jane's Niece Betty Arrives
11:17 |
EA #125 Jane Looks for an Aptmnt
11:23 |
EA #126 Jane Tries to Fire Laura
11:30 |
EA #127 The Aces Move into New Apt
11:29 |
EA #128 Neal Gets Ace a Newspaper Job
10:52 |
EA #129 Neal Gets a Blind Date for Betty
10:11 |
EA #130 Betty Has a Crush on Neal - Jane Is Upset
10:36 |
EA #131 Marge & Neal Fight about Betty
10:55 |
EA #132 Everyone Is Fighting - Cokie Comes Back
11:22 |
EA #133 Cokie Falls for Betty
10:41 |
EA #134 Marsh Offers Ace a Deal to Get Him out of Town
11:16 |
EA #135 Ace Tells Jane about Arizona Trip
11:10 |
EA 1935 Aunt Louise's Hunger Strike
14:42 |
EA 1935 Jane Sells Paintings
13:54 |
EA 1935 Jane Tries to Sell Artist Pictures
14:29 |
EA 1941-04-17 Betty Leaves Carl over the Baby's Name
14:54 |
EA 1941-05-13 Jane Smashes the Car
14:40 |
EA 1943-01-21 Jane Helps the War Effort
12:57 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-01-06 #00 PILOT Paul tries to Borrow $200
13:59 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-02-14 #01 Loan Company
29:59 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-02-21 #02 Send me Flowers
29:53 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-02-28 #03 Hiring a Maid
30:11 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-03-06 #04 Talent Hunt for Radio Show
29:20 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-03-13 #05 Jury Duty
28:56 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-03-20 #06 The Mink Coat
29:17 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-03-27 #07 Sally is Fired
29:09 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-04-03 #08 Cigarette Slogan
29:23 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-04-10 #09 Law Suits
29:26 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-04-17 #10 Quiz Show
28:41 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-04-24 #11 Bridge Game
29:01 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-05-01 #12 Ever See a Dream Walking
29:10 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-05-08 #13 Baby Food
29:51 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948-06-04 #17 That's No Lady - That's My Wife
27:15 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948 Jane Goes to Psychoanalysis
5:56 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1948 Jane Wants to Act
3:40 |
Mr Ace & Jane 1970 Dec - Interview w Goodman Ace
30:33 |