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English as She is Wrote

Read by TriciaG


"...Showing Curious ways in which the English Language may be made to convey Ideas or obscure them." A collection of unintentional…


Read by Tuija Aalto

Juhani Aho

The miniature novel Helsinkiin by Juhani Aho was published in 1889. A psychological novel about a young man’s stepping into adult life, it a…

Multilingual Short Work Collection 003

James Jeans

Language: German/Deutsch, EnglishThis is a collection for poetry and prose, fiction and non fiction in any language.

Dr. Esperanto’s International Language, Introduction and Complete Grammar

Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater

L. L. Zamenhof

In July 1887, Esperanto made its debut as a 40-page pamphlet from Warsaw, published in Russian, Polish, French and German: all written by a …

Living And Learning Part 6

Pastor Bob Schultz

Today we study Hebrews 13:7-9

Salvation: The most dynamic word in our language!

Brian Saylor Salvation = DELIVERANCE, RESCUE, RECOVERY, ESCAPE Two Important Considerations: 1. That someone needs to be sav…

Bible (YLT) NT 10: Epistle to the Ephesians

Read by KevinS

Young'S Literal Translation and Young'S Literal Translationtranslated Byrobert Young

An English translation made as closely as possible to the language and idioms of the original languages. - Summary by KevinS

Sunday Study 150816 Nietzsche, TD Jakes, Minecraft, Holy Water And The Resurrec…

Sunday morning Bible Study hour by Rev. Jonathan Fisk on July 19 2015 at St. John Lutheran Oakes ND, on Nietzsche, TD Jakes, Minecraft, Holy…

The Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson

Read by Robert Scott

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faith Hope and Charity ...... In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self - Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott…

The Wonder Book of Bible Stories (Version 2)

Read by Ron Altman

Logan Marshall

Book of Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments, in language easy for children to understand. - Summary by Ron Altman

2. Crisis of Leadership (January 9) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Less…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

3. When Your World is Falling Apart (January 16) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Q…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

10. Doing the Unthinkable (March 6) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Less…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

7. Defeat of the Assyrians (February 13) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

1. Crisis of Identity (January 2) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Lesson…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

8. "Comfort My People" (February 20) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Les…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

6. Playing God (February 6) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Lesson 6 "Is…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

9. To Serve and to Save (February 27) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Le…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

4. The Hard Way (January 23) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 Lesson 4 "I…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

13. Rebirth of Planet Earth (March 27) Ken Hart Sabbath School 2021 Quarter 1 L…

2021 1st first quarter (January February March) topic: "Isaiah" (Ken Hart's Sabbath School class in Loma Linda, California, which …

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