Broken Things: Broken Things: Broken Heart A Survey of King David – 2 Samuel

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David was  recognized  by God for being a man after his own  heart . David had great  faith. As David’s life rolled out, his heart was  broken  over and again. Reasons why David had a broken heart: Saul never  trusted  him. His best friend  Jonathon  was killed. David is constantly  attacked  by enemies. David takes  multiple  wives, which goes against God’s created order. He becomes  idle , and in his  boredom , covets another man’s wife. He adds the sin of  adultery  when he sleeps with Bathsheba. He adds the sin of  lying  and eventually  murder  in dealing with Uriah. The 1 st  son with Bathsheba  dies  as a  consequence  to his sin. Later in life he fails to  correct  all of his son’s poor behavior.  His sin of  omission , leads to  turmoil  in his family until his death. But because of David’s brokenness, we have: An example of  repentance  and  forgiveness . (2 Samuel 12:13-14) The  Psalms . The  life  and  wisdom  of King Solomon. Born from his line…  Jesus . Main Point:   Even those who have at one time been  righteous , yet have fallen to  brokenness  can be used for something  extraordinary !